A Complete Guide to Vaping (plus Vape History)

Welcome to our complete guide to vaping and electronic cigarettes. There are lots of amazing products out there but we understand that you are looking for one that suits you just right.

Learn more about how electronic cigarettes are designed and just what has made these devices a game changer in the industry.

What is vaping?

Vaping is a term that refers to the use of an electronic cigarette or personal vaporizer. While the burning of traditional cigarettes creates smoke, use of an electronic cigarette (e-cigarette) creates a vapor cloud.

The vast majority of vaporizers are made for use with e-liquids (vape juice), but other common materials include cannabis concentrates (THC or CBD) and dry herbs. Different atomizers support the vaping of different materials. For example, e-liquids atomizers have a cartridge or tank, while a dry herb atomizers will have a heating chamber. Multipurpose vaporizers allow you to vape different materials simply by switching atomizers.

Who invented the Electronic Cigarette?

The electronic cigarette is essentially a vaping device. The concept was first introduced to the Chinese marketplace by a pharmacist named Hon Lik in 2003 but they did not sell in the USA until 2007. Of course, the history of vaping covers a much longer time period. Today competition is diverse and you can find refill-able, recharge-able, or disposable versions of electronic cigarettes with a wide range of features along with the introduction of mechanically modified rechargeable battery boxes with refill tanks known as a “box mod”. An electronic cigarette that has the look and feel of a traditional tobacco cigarette is sometimes referred to as a “cigalike”.

Advanced Personal Vaporizers (APV)

There are an abundance of design variations on the basic electronic cigarette concept, many of which feature a rechargeable battery coupled with a refill-able juice tank. Other models are pre-filled disposable units in a variety of sizes and shapes. Regardless of its design, all personal vape devices will share some basic features.

Each device has a lithium ion battery. Additionally, each contains a wick or wicking material that draws the specially made vape juice (e-liquid) from a tank to a heated coil where the liquid then vaporizes and can be inhaled. Box mods and pen mods are the most common types of APVs but there are many unique designs on the market, like this mod – designed to look like vintage military equipment.


Mods are a category of vaporizer device that is well used by vape enthusiasts. One main benefit is that they often have interchangeable tanks and removable batteries. There are many styles of mods from which to choose including temperature & wattage controls, touchscreens, and even one device with an on board mp3 player!


Tanks or “atomizers” are the interchangeable liquid containers for use with mechanically modified vape devices. When it comes to tanks, there are lots of options. Clearomizers, cartomizers, and glassomizers are all types of atomizers. Multi use tanks can be set up for the unique vaping desires of the individual. Coil choices provide precise ohm resistance levels to compliment temperature and wattage controlled device. With rebuild-able drip atomizers and rebuildable (RDA) tank atomizers (RTA), the customization options are endless.

Cartomizers, Clearomizers, & Glassomizers

All three terms (cartomizer, clearomizer, and glassomizer) refer to types vape juice tanks. Cartomizer tanks use a poly fill material while clearomizer tanks use tightly wound wicking material.

We recommend use of a glassomizer tank with rebuild-able coils. These are sometimes known are rebuild-able tank atomizers (RTAs for short).

Don’t be intimidated if this is not a familiar item, with just a small amount of learning you’ll have a much better vaping experience. Glassomizer tanks made with Pyrex often have multiple coils and offer a cleaner better tasting vape along with the best replacement part options.

The Rebuildable Tank Atomizer (RTA)

These high quality tanks offer the best results when used in conjunction with a temperature control vaporizer device. If you purchase a tank and device separately, you’ll want to ensure that the threads match up properly. 510 is a commonly used thread size for both male and female adapters.

The Rebuildable Drip Atomizer (RDA)

For maximum flavor and massive vapor clouds, experts recommend a rebuildable drip atomizer for vaping. Like an RTA, these devices have coils and wicks but with no tank they require fairly constant dripping in order to maintain proper moisture levels.


Coils made from Kanthal or NiChrome are an important part of vape equipment. A coil or coils will be connected to some wicking material that draws vape juice to it from within the tank.


Electronic cigarettes that have the look and feel of a traditional tobacco cigarette are often called a “cigalike”. Both disposable and rechargeable models are available however what really sets these devices apart is their disposable pre-filled e-juice cartridges. A cigalike typically lasts much longer than an individual cigarette with one cartridge containing as much nicotine as a whole pack of cigarettes.


The JUUL is a unique device that combines some of the best features of advanced personal vaporizers and the cigalike. A JUUL is similar width and just slightly longer than a typical USB “thumb” drive. And, like many devices these days, the JUUL electronic cigarette takes it’s charge from a USB port.

Everything about this device was designed with a switch from smoking in mind. From it’s easy-to-carry low profile form to the nicotine levels it delivers, JUUL Vapor has developed a definitive winner with tremendous user ratings. This could attributed not only to sleek design and precise nicotine levels, but also it’s ease of use. The JUUL does not require any button pushing, just insert a pod and vape.


Blu is a prominent maker of e-liquids and vape devices including the myblu, a next generation vape device with interchangeable liquid pods. Blu has a comprehensive website that gives a terrific tour of the various products that they offer including an exclusive $1 myblu trial offer and limited one year product guarantee.

The myblu has a slim flat form and recharges in 20min. for all day vaping. This device has a smooth flat profile and is super easy to use. Just click in a Liquidpod, vape, & repeat.

A Short History of Vaping

Have you ever wondered where vaping came from? We are all familiar with rebuildables, mods, cigalikes, squonkers, and brands like JUUL and Blu but what triggered the inception of all these amazing vape products? Just how far back in time does the idea of vaping actually go? It turns out that vaping has been around longer than many of us might realize. Check out this timeline to see how vaping has developed through the centuries.

440 BC – Ancient Vaping
Herodotus, a Greek historian, was the first to mention a form of vaping when describing a tradition of the Scythians, a Eurasian people who would throw cannabis, aka marijuana, onto red hot stones and then inhale and bathe in the resulting vapor.

1542 AD – Irfan Sheikh Invents Hookah
The invention of the hookah is considered to be a key step towards the creation of the modern vaporizer.

1960 – Herbert A. Gilbert Patents the First Vaporizer
Gilbert, a Korean war veteran, introduced the basic anatomy of the vaporizer, which is still more or less the same as today.

1980 – Eagle Bill’s Shake & Vape Pipe
Frank William Wood, commonly known as “Eagle Bill Amato” was a Cherokee marijuana medicine man. He introduced the first portable vaporizer called Eagle Bill’s Shake & Vape Pipe and is known for popularizing vaping culture, especially the vaping of marijuana.

2003 – Hon Lik Invents Modern E-Cigarette
Hon Lik, now known as the father of modern vaping, is a Chinese pharmacist who invented the e-cigarette.
Jam Monster Strawberry

2015 – Pax Labs Introduces the JUUL
On June 1, 2015, Pax Labs introduces its new JUUL vaping device. The stealthy USB thumb drive like feel and simple operation have made this device particularly popular among converting smokers and JUULing accounts for over 40% of total vape use. (source)

2018 – Electronic Cigarettes in the Spotlight
Within a year of their invention, e-cigarettes began to be sold commercially. Their popularity grew in the late 2000s, and continues to rise today. It’s possible that there are now over 20 million vape users worldwide, according to this study.